How to remove the odor of the earphone sponge - TypingMe
How to remove the odor of the earphone sponge
  2022-01-18 16:26:31, 修改于2022-01-18 16:28:36

In order to facilitate cleaning, the sponge cover will not be fixed,Wired Over Ear Headphones just hold it from one side with two fingers and take it off slowly.

Earmuff cleaning:

1: Prepare a basin of water, and then put some softener.

2: After removing the earmuffs, put them in water, soak them in water for about two hours, and do not need to rub them by hand during this period.

3: Gently rub a few times, then take it out and put it in the washing machine to drain, pay attention, take a mesh bag and put the two earmuffs inside, put it in the washing machine and drain, and it will dry in about 10 minutes.

Just put it in the cool place when it's not dry, it smells very fresh, the earmuffs are clean, and there is no hair removal or anything, mainly don't rub it violently.


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