What does laser hair growth do? - TypingMe
What does laser hair growth do?
标签:hair loss
  2022-03-07 17:32:22

1. Inhibit male hormones and stimulate hair follicle growth. Improves hair loss by promoting localized telangiectasia and stimulating the growth of shrinking hair follicle cells and stem cells

2. The scalp is mainly irradiated with soft lasers to stimulate the hair follicles to enter the growth state, hair growth helmet ,which has a certain curative effect on patients with early hair loss, but cannot replace the role of drugs.

3. In the later stage of hair loss, the hair follicles are completely atrophied, and the hair loss area becomes smooth without pores. At this time, drug treatment is useless, and it can only be treated by hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is mainly based on the hair follicles at the back of the human body, and the follicular units are transplanted to the part that needs to be transplanted, such as the forehead hairline, so that it can survive in the new part. and grow naturally. .


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