What's the point of choosing sunglasses? - TypingMe
What's the point of choosing sunglasses?
标签:design your own sunglasses
  2022-08-24 14:08:11

Most people choose sunglasses for aesthetic reasons. They think that sunglasses are modern accessories, and they are mainly based on the appearance of the glasses when they are purchased. design your own sunglasses In fact, the selection and use of sunglasses have a lot of attention:

1. You should go to a regular optical shop to choose sunglasses with anti-ultraviolet function produced by regular manufacturers. Inferior sunglasses not only cannot block ultraviolet rays, but also seriously reduce the transmittance of the lenses. In addition, inferior lenses can also cause symptoms of visual fatigue such as nausea, forgetfulness, and insomnia.

2. When buying sunglasses, pay attention to the shading of the lens, which is mainly affected by the color of the lens. Wearing green and brown sunglasses is more comfortable, and some people prefer gray and blue.

3. When the sun goes down, it is best to remove the sunglasses, otherwise, our vision will be affected in the weaker places.


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