What are the common molding processes for silicone products? - TypingMe
What are the common molding processes for silicone products?
  2021-10-20 14:57:15
As a common environmentally friendly raw material, silica gel is loved by consumers because of its many advantages. Its flexibility, safety and environmental performance are widely used in industrial sealing and medical equipment, the most important of which is it The operating temperature of -40~+240 degrees Celsius is beyond comparison with plastic products.

The use of silica gel to wrap metal or plastic parts to form some new properties makes the product soft and hard. For example, a silicone spatula wrapped in silicone, its environmental performance is loved by consumers, so what other molding processes are there for silicone products produced from silicone materials?

1. Extrusion molding process
The extrusion molding process is just like our toothpaste extrusion. The head of the silicone extrusion equipment is also the cross-sectional shape of the product. It has a certain length. Under the action of force and temperature, the product coming out of the machine has been vulcanized and formed.silicone molding manufacturer The products formed by the process are generally strip-shaped products, and the product cross-sections can be various, rectangular long strips, circular silicone tubes, etc.

2. Glue dispensing process
Silicone products can also be dripped using the dripping process, but this process requires liquid silicone. The liquid silicone is placed in the syringe, and the raw materials are dropped on the mold by pneumatic and manual operation. This process is a manual process. , Requires more labor, and the production capacity is not high. But there is a more important feature, that is, the products made by this process can be dripped in many colors according to the requirements, and the dripped silicone products are also very delicate and uneven.


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