Do you know the main variables of secondary injection molding? - TypingMe
Do you know the main variables of secondary injection molding?
  2021-12-09 15:57:59
Because the appearance is transparent, the fullness of the wall in the structure type must be normal, and there must be no unevenness, unless this feeling can be specifically created..mould supplier,

When applying a soft standard formula such as crystal clear, it is necessary to create as consistent as possible, with much less abnormal silicon work and much less conditioning ribs to avoid soft transfer to the frame of the shadow seen inside.

After the initial covering of the hard silicone, the thinnest area of ​​the wall thickness style and elegance of the structure position should not be less than 0.6mm to prevent the injection of unqualified adhesives.

When the style of the second layer of covering is difficult to glue, the wall size is made between 0.6-2.0mm, and the normal structure is 0.8mm to avoid difficulty in appearance due to molding obstacles.

When the appearance of the next layer is exquisite silicone, the wall frame size is created between 0.4-2.0 mm, and the traditional design is 0.8 mm to avoid physical problems caused by molding problems.

The second stage is composed of delicate adhesives, try not to break it when making it, and then try to design and style adhesives to fully indicate the surface of each fashion type. .

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