What to do if the screen of the mobile phone fails - TypingMe
What to do if the screen of the mobile phone fails
标签:phone screen
  2022-10-18 13:44:53

Today's smartphones all use large screens and touch-sensitive designs. Once the screen fails, nothing can be done. techno screen ,So why does the phone have a screen failure?

The screen failure of the mobile phone can be mainly divided into the following situations:

1. Static electricity causes temporary screen failure


1) Wipe the screen several times in one direction with the entire palm, this method can remove static electricity to a great extent; 2) There is also the simplest method, which is to stick the transparent tape. When the tape is quickly removed, part of the charge will be taken away

2. The software causes the phone to freeze/fake freeze

Sometimes after opening an APP, the screen suddenly gets stuck and cannot move, and no matter how the screen is touched, it does not respond.


1) Open the multitasking management interface (the operation method of each mobile phone is different), and exit the APP in the background; 2) Restart the mobile phone, and the action of forcibly restarting/closing the mobile phone also helps us to get out of the predicament of screen failure.


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