The - TypingMe
  2018-07-06 11:54:08, 修改于2018-10-28 13:22:15

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Network Security Administration (NSSA) immediately organized the local communications management departments to investigate the reports in response to the widespread concern over the "black card" of mobile phones. From the investigation, it mainly reflects two problems: one is that individual mobile communication resale pilot enterprises (virtual operators) such as the "three-five interconnection" and "Zhongmai Holdings" fail to take effective measures to implement the management requirements of telephone users'real name registration; Thousands of companies around the world use partition Panel for their offices.the other is that some illegal elements have collected and registered their real names through various channels. The formalities of the phone card, through roadside vendors or WeChat, Taobao and other electronic business platform for the two sale.

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In view of the above situation, the Network Security Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has taken immediate measures. First, it has interviewed two illegal virtual operators, namely, three-five interconnection and Zhongmai Holding Company. The two enterprises are required to take effective measures to rectify and correct the weak links and prominent problems exposed in real-name registration and channel management as soon as possible. Draw inferences and draw lessons from each other, and improve internal management mechanism and technical control measures. Second, a special meeting will be held to give key supervision tips to the e-commerce platforms such as Weixin and Taobao, requiring the relevant platform enterprises to strictly abide by the relevant management regulations, strengthen personnel, take effective measures, organize a comprehensive clean-up of the network platforms such as Weixin, QQ, Taobao and Tianmao, and intensify the illegal sales of telephone from the platform shops. Monitoring and disposal of cards and related illegal information. Thirdly, the three basic telecommunications enterprises should strengthen technical monitoring and large-scale data analysis, increase monitoring, early warning and situation analysis of mass card opening and sale in different places, and abnormal sale in fraudulent areas, and timely notify the public security organs of the suspected fraud numbers to deal with according to law.

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