all parts of the body are exercised - TypingMe
all parts of the body are exercised
  2018-07-11 11:32:11
Dr. White, founder of the American Heart Association, also said: from the perspective of evolution, walking is the best sport for human beings. Sports experts suggest that if walking alone makes you feel dull and boring, you may as well change your patterns and get unexpected health effects.

Before walking, we should do 3 preparatory work first: 1. Wear it correctly. Wear a pair of soft bottom running shoes to protect ankle joints from injury. Wearing a comfortable sportswear is conducive to physical activity. 2. Warm up is full. Stretching and stretching the limbs to prevent sports injuries. 3. Bring bottles of water and replenish water less frequently and more during exercise to prevent dehydration.

Quick walk against disease

A number of authoritative studies have found that sticking to a fast walk every day can effectively combat diabetes, reduce stroke and prevent Alzheimer's disease. Loughborough University research also found that brisk walking can improve immunity and reduce the risk of colds by 30%. For climacteric women, the health function of fast walking is more obvious. After menopause, the risk of hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia in women will gradually increase. Harvard University research found that middle-aged and elderly women walk 45 minutes to 1 hours a day, of which the probability of wind can be reduced by 40%.

Gou Bo pointed out that in order to ensure the effect of exercise, walk at least 40~60 minutes each time. People who begin to exercise can gradually increase the frequency and length of exercise, first every other day, starting from half an hour, after gradually adapting to the daily exercise. When people walk fast, they feel a little wheezing and sweating, which means that the amount of exercise is up to standard. Some people like to walk with their hands on their backs, so the value of exercise is almost zero. Correct posture should be chest raising, abdomen raising, hip raising and arm swing. It should be noted that diabetic patients should take candy when they go fast, so as to prevent hypoglycemic accidents.

Go down and treat the pain in the waist

Backward walking originated in 1970s, when some track and field athletes were injured, through this method to carry out body recovery exercises. Later, sports experts pointed out that backstepping is actually a good way to exercise. Backward walking can exercise the waist and back muscles which are seldom used at ordinary times, and balance exercise effect. For sedentary people, walking backward can effectively relieve physical fatigue and low back pain.

But the old people's physical function is degraded and their balance ability is reduced. When they are walking backward, they will be in danger of falling, bumping and bumping because they can not see the rear road conditions. In addition, the old people's legs and feet are not good, but can not walk too fast, so the exercise intensity is very small, the function of cardiopulmonary exercise is very small, from the fitness effect is very uneconomical. Therefore, the old man try not to go down. It is suggested that the people who like to go down, try to choose the smooth road, and the environment around them is relatively small. We can use the combination of walking and backward walking, walking for half an hour a day, so that
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