Half - TypingMe
  2018-12-04 15:01:24, 修改于2019-03-08 16:46:52

As indicated by late figures from data focus Vektis, half of the cash saved for human services in the Netherlands under the Healthcare Insurance Act (Zvw) and Long-term Care Act (Wlz) is utilized to think about the elderly. A year ago, 28 billion euros was spent on consideration for those matured more than 65.

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Gigantic sums spent on Dutch medicinal services

In 2017, 62,2 billion euros, from the Zvw and Wlz, was spent on human services in the Netherlands. Of this sum, 28 billion euros was spent on caring for the elderly, subsequently around half of the aggregate sum spent.

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Of the 28 billion spent on human services for the elderly, the most cash was spent on long haul care, at 11 billion euros. This was trailed by doctor's facility care, coming in at 8,4 billion euros and region nursing care, totalling 2,8 billion euros.

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Around one out of five individuals in the Netherlands is more than 65 and, as indicated by Vektis, they represent a normal of 8.650 euros of consideration per individual. The nation additionally has relatively 2.000 individuals matured over 100.

As per the specialists, the dominant part of elderly individuals take at least five medications and those more than 85 require overall nine hours out of every seven day stretch of locale nursing care. For those matured 65 to 74, this is somewhat less, at a normal of seven hours of the week. Of those matured 74 to 85, in excess of a fifth experience the ill effects of diabetes and 14 percent have asthma.

Elderly individuals in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, there are very nearly 3,3 million individuals beyond 65 years old. Vektis anticipates that this number will ascend in the coming years. In 2030, they foresee that the proportion will have ascended from one of every five to one out of four.

The region with the most noteworthy grouping of inhabitants over 65 years old, in particular 32 percent, is Vaals in Limburg. Vaals is trailed by the districts of Laren and Bergen in North-Holland. Utrecht, Urk and Almere have the least level of elderly occupants, in other words, under 11 percent.

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