2018-05-05 15:42:20, 修改于2018-05-05 15:52:40
1.The multiplexed metropolis
A multiplexed system/ a multiplexed problem / a multiplexed cinema
BeiShangGuangShen is metropolises.
2.Enthusiasts think that da
I am an enthusiast of the truth of the world/ Fushuai is definitely an enthusiast of the money
They hope I can change the situation in this game as much as the teacher did in the last on
My goal is to influence people as much as Mr. Haung did in the debate.
3. They are a long way from proving their case.
They are a long way from building trust with each other
I am a long way from being a real da
4. EVEN thieves, it seems, now have a smartphone app.
Even the custom of the sex industry, it seems, now loses faith for the sex work.
Even my father, it seems, cannot resist the lure.
5. The app depends for its dark arts on pulling together publicly available da
The company depends for the CEO on its daily affairs.
The secret of the dark arts is pulling together all the information to make a decision.
6.A good place to steal might, for instance, have a high income, low reported crime, and broken streetlights.
A wonderful place should, for instance, have beautiful scenery, quiet environment, and fewer people.
7. Luckily for Amsterdam’s citizens and tourists, Makkie Klauwe does not exist.
Luckily for our students, the classes were canceled because of the bad weather.
8. Bram Fritz, a graphic-design student, thought it up for an app contest the city held in 2011
Mimi, a beautiful white dog, thought it up for helping his owner to get the newspaper
.9. the main aim was to kindle a debate over the ever greater amount of easily available da
The speech of the principle kindles people’s enthusiasm, which reaches the ever-greater amount.
In the presentation, we have a debate over the sex work industry.
10. “I wanted to confront citizens with what could become a threat to their property,
Life has confronted us with all kinds of difficulties.
11. As they go about their business of producing most of the world’s wealth, novelty and human interaction, cities also produce a vast amount of data.
As I go about my work of cleaning a vast amount of data, I also produce most of the novelty in our group.
12. The people who run cities are ever more keen on putting those data to work.
The CEO who run the company are ever more keen on recruiting talented people
13. Hardly a week passes without a mayor somewhere in the world unveiling a “smart-city” project—often at one of the many conferences hailing the concept.
Hardly a day passes without a teacher disclosing the grade of students-
Hardly a meeting passes without the boss announcing the task of each group
The paper unveils the principle of economy
The economist hail the concept of utility
14. Earlier this year Kenya’s then president, Mwai Kibaki, broke ground on Konza Techno City outside Nairobi.
The university project broke ground on Shenzhen since 2014.
15. Academics like Ricky Burdett of the London School of Economics (LSE) see integrated systems for collecting, processing and acting on data as offering a “second electrification” to the world’s metropolises.
The second electrification of the world is the revolution of big data, meaning creating an integrated system for collecting, processing and acting on data.
16. The power cables that penetrated cities in the late 19th century transformed their shape (there are no tall buildings without lifts), their transit systems, their nightlife, their sewerage (cities need a lot of pumps).
Smart cities need to change, for instance, the power cable, the pump, the transit system , the nightlife, the sewerage system.
17. Ubiquitous data services might have impacts as wide-ranging: they could make cities more liveable, more efficient, more sustainable, perhaps more democratic.
The wide-ranging control power enables the government to have ubiquitous information: this could make the country less livable, less efficient, less sustainable, perhaps less democratic.
18. In an era of mass urbanisation—the United Nations expects the number of city dwellers to reach 6.3 billion by 2050, as many people as there were on the planet ten years ago—that could matter a lot.
The dwellers in the Mars will suffer a great pain in an ear of a low level of technology.
Rather than becoming paragons of democracy, they could turn into electronic panopticons in which everybody is constantly watched.
Rather than becoming paragons of democracy, they could turn into electronic panopticons in which everybody is constantly watched.
Learning from the paragon is the best way of improving your skills.
In the panopticon, everybody is contently watched
20 They could be paralyzed by hackers, or by bugs in labyrinthine software.
The attack software is so labyrinthine that no one can crack it and let it paralyze the whole system.